• Low Thyroid: High Incidence In The U.S.

    Low Thyroid The thyroid gland, one of the most unremarkable features of our anatomy, not even large enough usually to make a bulge at the front of the neck where it resides, is actually quite important to good health and well-being. People with severe hypothyroidism, the clinical term for low thyroid function, have rather obvious […]

  • Sports Nutrition Basics

    Sports Nutrition Basics This is the first in a series of articles on nutrition for special needs. The following is from a talk I recently gave at Whole Foods in Tempe Arizona to runners getting ready for a marathon. I reprint it here, because the principles below apply equally to all sports participants, even if […]

  • Herb Of The Month: Wood Betony

    Herb Of The Month: Wood Betony Wood betony   Wood betony or Stachys betonica was so highly prized in Europe that an Old Italian proverb advised: “Sell your coat and buy betony.” The Medicina Britannica of the 17th century primarily extols its virtues with regard to headache, claiming that “I have known the most obstinate […]

  • Herb Of The Month: Coleus Forskohlii

    Herb Of The Month: Coleus Forskohlii Coleus forskohlii is a useful herb for a number of applications. It may be most useful in that it increases intracellular amounts of cyclic AMP. This is a naturally occurring compound in the body that allows for a lot of different cellular functions. One of the functions it seems […]

  • toxic

    Pharmaceuticals In The Drinking Water

    The Pharmaceuticals In Drinking Water An Associated Press investigation this March found a vast array of miscellaneous pharmaceuticals in the drinking water that supplies the households of at least 41 million Americans. These include antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones from oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. These last drugs have previously been shown […]

  • Origanum vulgare

    Herb Of The Month: Wild Marjoram

    Herb of the Month: Wild Marjoram (Origanum vulgare) Wild Marjoram (Origanum vulgare) has been used since ancient times as a remedy for poisonings with narcotics. One of the features of this plant that enables such a detoxification is that it is a “diaphoretic” which means that it will cause sweating. It is also a carminative, […]

  • bread

    The Bread Trap

    Bread is a vehicle. In a sandwich, it drives other food neatly and with little spillage into a bag or wrapper, into a lunchbox and then to the mouth. Popular at drive-ins, the sandwich can be sort of neatly eaten with one hand while the other hand sort of competently manages the steering wheel. Bread […]