
  • How To Get Kids To Eat Healthy – Part I

    Part I During at least some of childhood the grass is definitely greener elsewhere. One of the biggest challenges to your family’s healthy lifestyle is your children’s perception that other people are privileged simply because they eat differently. The parents’ strategic awareness and preparation for the child’s fascination with the Standard American Diet (SAD) is […]

  • recovery

    Surgery: Speed Healing With Nature’s Help

    Healing From Surgery Natures Way. First A Big Disclaimer: In this article, my intention is to help you weather surgery as successfully as my patients who have had to or chosen to undergo surgery have come out doing well. My patients on the following protocol have healed remarkably fast and well. However, the Food and […]

  • Herb Of The Month: Gotu Kola

    Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)is especially helpful for would healing and minimizing scar tissue at the site of a wound. Gotu kola has triterpenoids, a chemical compound that is useful for strengthening and repairing skin. It does this by stimulating blood flow to a wound and thereby concentrating antioxidants at a wound […]

  • What To Look For In A Supplement

    Are Your Supplements Not Working? As naturopathic physicians, we have had patients walk in and express great concern over the efficacy of thier nutritional supplements. They are concerned that they are not working properly, but once we start taking a look at the supplements that they have chosen, the answer to the problem becomes clear. […]

  • Herb Of The Month: Prickly Pear

    Prickly Pear (Nopal In Spanish; Opuntia In Latin) Our herb of the month is an edible one, often eaten as a vegetable for its medicinal benefit. Prickly pear cactus is a ubiquitous sight throughout the Southwest, with a wider range of growth than most cacti species, and is a very attractive one now for its […]

  • dislike

    Pharmaceuticals Are Gateway Drugs

    Why Pharmaceuticals Are Gateway Drugs Gateway drugs to more serious substance abuse have often been thought of as just the illegal drugs: marijuana, amphetamines, cocaine to begin, and worse drugs, such as heroin, later. However, there are other gateway drugs, and these affect a much larger proportion of the population, and are perfectly legal. You […]

  • natural

    FAQ Regarding My Treatment Of Cancer

    How do you treat cancer? I am a primary care physician, a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. I use natural treatments for cancer and other diseases. That is I use no chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. However, I do work with oncologists, the formal name for doctors who are cancer specialists. How do you work with oncologists? There […]